Swine Flu Study Finds Women More at Risk: Females and Aboriginals Linked to Critical Cases of H1N1 Influenza

The United States, Mexico, Canada, Chile, and Australia have documented the largest number of confirmed cases of H1N1 flu, which is also known as swine flu. Both Canada and Mexico have dealt with big localized H1N1 outbreaks, where people have become seriously ill and had to be taken to the intensive care unit (ICU) for ventilator support. This Canadian study is called, and takes a closer look at, Critically Ill Patients with 2009 Influenza A (H1N1) Infection in Canada.

Patients Involved in Canadian H1N1 Flu Study

The research took place between April 16 and July 13, 2009 and involved 168 critically ill patients with confirmed or probable H1N1 influenza infections in Canada.

The average age was 32 for those who were critically ill and it included:

  • 70% were adults
  • 67% were women
  • 40% were Caucasian
  • 25.6% were First Nations, Metis, Inuit or Aboriginal
  • 10% were Asian or Latin American (includes South Asian and West Asian/Arab)
  • 8% were Black

Most Common Symptoms of Critically Ill H1N1 Patients

More than 90 per cent of these patients had a fever and respiratory problems. More than half were experiencing weakness and more than a third had muscle pain or tenderness. (more on this on www.optinghealth.com)

Other conditions people had with the H1N1 infection included possible bacterial pneumonia in almost a third of cases and extremely low blood pressure in 13.7 per cent of cases. Other medical problems that small number of patients had at the same time as the H1N1 virus include either asthma, chronic pulmonary disease, an altered level of consciousness, a serious kidney injury, or chest pain.

How Long Patients were Patients Sick With H1N1 Flu?

Patients who were seriously ill exhibited symptoms for about four days before they went to the hospital. Once they were in the hospital, most of them ended up in the ICU within a day. The majority of critically ill patients had extensive fluid buildup in their chest and a serious lung injury during the onset of their infection. Very few, just six per cent of them, had had a seasonal flu shot in the past two years.

More than three-quarters of these patients had to be put on a ventilator on their first day in the ICU, with only a third of them having the procedure done noninvasively. But, most of those who had the noninvasive procedure initially, ended up needing invasive ventilation later on. The average stay on ICU was 12 days, which is also the average time that patients were on a mechanical ventilator.

Deaths Due to the H1N1 Flu

Twenty-nine people died out of the 168, with 18 passing away within the first two weeks and six more died within the two week period after that. Of those who died, 21 were female and eight were male. There were 50 children who were critically ill, four of them died. There were also nine health care workers, and none of them died.

Research Finds Women and Aboriginal Patients More at Risk for Severe Case of H1N1 Flu

Young women and aboriginal patients who didn’t have any preexisting medical conditions were the ones most affected in the spring outbreak of the H1N1 flu. The study found that once people became critically ill, many of them had trouble breathing and needed to be put on a ventilator. Rescue therapies also needed to be administered multiple times.

Researchers found it “striking” that women were more likely to develop a severe case of H1N1 flu. Females being more at risk has not been seen in other flu studies. When it comes to most infectious diseases and related complications like septic shock, men usually are more at risk for getting sick and dying. Scientists don’t know why women are more at risk, but they do say that pregnancy has put women at higher risk when analyzing data from past flu pandemics.

Weakness of Canadian Study of Swine Flu

Researchers say that critically ill H1N1 cases were studied from across Canada, but there was a sizeable outbreak in the province of Manitoba. Many of the cases came from an aboriginal community in Manitoba and this could impact the figures when trying to generalize to the larger population.

Strength of Canadian H1N1 Flu Study

This study is the largest of its kind to look at a series of patients with severe cases of the 2009 H1N1 influenza. It also included both adults and children from different races and geographical areas from across Canada, making the results more applicable to the general population.

Importance of Hospital Care for Critically Ill H1N1 Patients

The researchers say for most critically ill H1N1 patients, going on a ventilator and rescue therapies can help people survive this illness. But, with a second wave of this virus set to spread this winter, no one knows exactly how many people will get sick. This is an important issue, because it could impact a hospital’s ability to provide the critical care that is needed for those with severe cases of the swine flu to survive.

Scandium Facts – What you need to know about Scandium

Lars Fredrik Nilson discovered Scandium way back in the year 1878. This was the time when he found the mentioned from the minerals gadolinite and euxenite. During those times, the said is not seen around any element except for Scandinavia alone. Prior to it, Dmitri Mendeleev initiated the theorizing of the undiscovered element. This is one referred to as ekaboron. Scandium facts are all over the place. When Nilson discovered it, scientists initiated in the acknowledgement that ekaboron description is the same with that of scandium. Meaning, it became the same with Mendeleev’s findings.

Scandium has always been a silver-white metal. This is responsible in developing a pinkish or slightly yellow cast whenever it is being exposed to that of the air. This is also perceived as a transition metal. This can form a white coat for it has nitride with it. This goes to show that it may react with water and even that with a yellow-red flame whenever it is burning.

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The soft element resembles that of yttrium. This may also share the same characteristics as that of other earth metals which are common on the earth. These may include titanium or aluminum. Scandium has always been light. This goes with a higher melting point as compared to that of aluminum. This is one of the reasons why it triggered the interest of designers of spacecraft.

Scandium is perceived to be the 23rd among the most abundant element seen in other stars and the sun. On the earth though, it is in the 50th. Needless to say, it has been distributed widely around the planet. It exists in minute quantities even in more than 800 kinds of minerals. Scandium is the reason why there is a blue color found in beryl’s aquamarine. It is basically the primary cause of it.

There is a really high concentration of scandium. This is seen in Malagasy and Scandinavian mineral which is called thortveitite. This is known to be the principal component of it. Scandium is also seen in residues which are the remain after the tungsten extraction. This may come from wiikite, Zinnwald wolframite and even that of bazzite.

The reduction of scandium fluoride from calcium metal is necessary to produce a pure amount of scandium. These days, a lot of scandium is normally recovered from the thortveitite, or there are times when they are obtained from uranium’s mill trailings only as a single byproduct.

The uses

Scandium is primarily used as a light source. It takes 20 kilograms of the mentioned yearly in the United States alone so that high-intensity of lights may be produced. This Scandium also comes with a radioactive isotope. This is utilized as a natural tracing agent which is intended for refinery crackers. This is meant for other materials and even that of crude oil. It can be a highly efficient light source as it is added to any mercury vapor lamps. This may also be seen in indoors and even in the night time color of most televisions.

Anteater Facts – Why you should not be scared of them

Anteaters have always been considered funny-looking. These creatures are basically stumbled upon in South and Central America. For most of the time, they are situated in rainforests, grasslands, woodlands and even that in deciduous forests. A tenfold of Anteater facts would agree that there are four types of the said specie. These are now being threatened and so, they have to be taken care of.

More facts about Anteater

What is interesting about Anteaters is that the animal can be really small. In size alone, it may resemble squirrels. This may reach seven feet long. This may continue from the tip of the nose down to the end of the tail. It may be from silky anteaters to giant anteaters. These creatures do not have tooth as well. Only sticky and long tongue are utilized so that they can catch any prey. The tongue may be two feet long. Usually, tiny spines are seen as they cover the mentioned. These anteaters are able to get termites and ants for themselves through holes they stumble upon on the anthill top. They do not usually destroy anthill since they would normally plan to eat and come for a different portion of ants. This is how it has always been and it may be in the future.

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Ants can really bite. Anteaters have the tendency to eat the mentioned as quickly as possible. In this, they will only flick their tongue. They can do this from 150 to 160 times. This is how it has been for any minute from the feeding to the grabbing of ants. This is how they avoid bites and the like.

As for their digestion, this one is facilitated with the use of their stomachs. The mentioned may be responsible in grinding quite a large number of termites and ants. The stomach may also produce formic in the long run. This is how it has been as compared to that of hydrochloric acid. This is typically stumbled upon in other sort of mammals too. They have the ability to eat until 30 000 insects every day.

Their eyesight may be poor. However, it may be excellent for the smell. Smell may be detected too and it may occur 40 times better as that of humans. In this sense, anteaters are used for the nose in order for food to be found. They also have low body temperature. This is true as compared to other kinds of placental mammals. This may reach only 32.7 degrees.

Every day, the animal has the ability to sleep at least 15 hours. Their long claws are also used so that they can defend themselves against cougars or jaguars. These solitary animals would gather whenever it is the mating season. There is always a group of this which is termed as the parade. Pregnancy of the mentioned may last for around 190 days. This may end them having only one baby. The baby can stay with its mother for until two years. This is how it has been until the mother becomes pregnant again.

Foods that Prevent Cancer

Studies have shown that some natural measures can help to prevent and even alleviate cancer. Chief among these is a diet that includes certain food items, while omitting others. Free radicals lead to degenerative diseases like cancer, and can be neutralized by antioxidants like beta carotene, folic acid and lutein. Antioxidants are abundant in brightly colored fruits and vegetables like carrots and broccoli. The darker the greens, the richer they are in antioxidants.

Antioxidants and Minerals that prevent Cancer

Antioxidant vitamins can remove carcinogens and even repair damaged cells. Foods rich in vitamins A and C fight cancer. The beta carotene in carrots is an antioxidant which boosts immunity and prevents cancer. Carrot juice contains vitamin A, prevents infections and is also an alkalizer. Other sources of vitamin A include butter, tomatoes, pumpkin, papaya and mango. Citrus fruits are rich sources of vitamin C. Tomato and watermelon also contain anti-cancer lycopene.

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Curd/yoghurt, like milk, is a source of vitamin D and calcium, which have anti-cancer properties. Calcium, especially effective in preventing colon cancer, is also present in almond, fig, and walnuts; vegetables like cabbage, lettuce and carrot; and fruits like lemons and oranges. Vitamin D prevents changes in cells that cause cancer, and is found in items like dairy products, oily fish, and eggs.

Indoles in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and brussel sprouts prevent cancer. Dr. Anne Wigmore of Boston has popularized the therapeutic use of wheatgrass juice; she claims that the chlorophyll content with live nutrients, vitamins, minerals and trace elements alleviates leukemia. Beet juice is an anti-cancer agent, as it stimulates the liver and detoxifies the body.

Fruits and Other Foods that prevent Cancer

Citrus fruits like the lime, lemon, orange and grapefruit contain anti-cancer compounds like glutathione. Whole oranges contain more of it than the juice. Grapes have antioxidant bioflavonoids that prevent cancer. Moreover, cancer patients usually lack potash salts, which are found in grapes.

Wholegrain cereals, wheat bran, brown rice and some green leafy vegetables are examples of fiber rich foods that minimize chances of breast and colon cancers. “Good” fats like omega 3 and omega 9 help to control a type of oestrogen, an excess of which leads to breast cancer. Oily fish and olive oil are sources of good fats.

Beans, pulses and lentils have antioxidant polyphenols, lignans and fiber which inhibit tumors. Beans like soya beans contain phytoestrogens that block cancer causing oestrogen. Garlic and onions have anti-cancer compounds, while those in liquorice prevent and even check the growth of cancer. Mushrooms build immunity and prevent cancers. Green tea has anti-oxidants that prevent cancer cells from multiplying. Finally, spices like turmeric are anti-cancer.

Though it is essential to include food items that block cancer-causing chemicals, it is equally important to avoid some items. These include red meat, (especially over fried) excess alcohol and food containing trans fats or “bad” saturated fats. White or processed food and sugary food lead to weight gain and promote cell growth, both of which could lead to breast cancer. The diet can play a major role in preventing cancer, so it is recommended that two fruits and three vegetables be consumed daily, as they are sources of antioxidants and fiber. Other items like cereals and pulses, some herbs and spices should also be included to guard against cancer.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for educational purposes only; it should not be used for diagnosis or to guide treatment without the opinion of a health professional. Any reader who is concerned about his/her health should contact a licensed medical professional.

Interesting facts about Unknown Soldier monument

The Tomb of the Unknowns is a memorial devoted to American service members who dedicated their life without any identifying remains. It is also called as Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. It is situated in Arlington Cemetery in Virginia, USA. Warren G. who is the president of America in 1921 has honoured for a ceremony at National Cemetery for died unknown soldiers during World War I. After that, three more fighters are also added to the monument memorial. Further, one of the soldiers has been uncovered during that ceremony. People who like to know about tomb of the Unknown Soldier facts can refer in the online for detailed information. Four unidentified soldiers were disinterred from four dissimilar WWI cemeteries of American who was wounded in battle and honoured with service medals. The four caskets of soldiers are arranged in a line for inspection process. Younger decided the third casket by placing a scatter of white roses on it from the left.

Learn about mysterious facts about tomb 

The prospective delegates of WWII were selected from two mysterious soldiers who served in European and Pacific Theater. One of the caskets is buried at sea. There was a specific meaning for the steps of the guard at the time of honouring the soldiers. Everyone can learn about tomb of the Unknown Soldier facts with the use of internet resource. Once you refer it by spending your time and efforts, it is assured that you can gain multitude information about historical rifles and its importance. The honours awarded by the authority was rare things happened at the time of Unknown Soldier ceremony. The least away was dedicated to memorial security badge in the Army. Three women would guard the monument rarely. With the use of information gained in the internet, you will come to know that every step of the guard will have a special meaning of it. In that case, you can understand the importance and real meaning of honoured steps and awards about American military service.

Security Guards protect the memorial

It was not easy task to become a monument guard. First, the associates of the Old Guard have to apply for the guard position. After that, the applicants had to go through an extensive training period and in that you have to perform tests on ceremonial steps and weapons. Further, as a guard you have to go through in all effective process like uniform preparation and cadence. Neat and well-ironed uniforms will resemble the courage of military members in high range. Guards in the memorial have the first rate standards than all members. Even the test would conduct to check the knowledge level of the guards by means of quizzes. Once the selection process gets completed, the guards will ask to walk on the mat for 30 minutes to 2 hours. The guards will work on the shift-base for 24 hours. This offer the time for guards to finish training and prepare their guard uniforms and it will take nearly up to 8 hours.